
Private Route in react-router v6


Private routes in v5 and below were done in a specific way using a custom component mostly named PrivateRoute

But taking a look at v6 docs it seems that things changed a little bit, and we need to think a little bit different about it.

# In the react-router 6 you have to use Login instead of Redirect

  • *So what do we do? 🤔 We do some more adjustments to PrivateRoute

function PrivateRoute({ children }) {
const auth = useAuth();
return auth ? children : <Navigate to="/login" />;

As you can see we changed Redirect to Login, and just return children if a user is authenticated. And the usage of it also changes a little bit



Abdullah Al Noman

I am a curious front end developer. Everyday I learn and I would like to learn more and more.